Monday, March 16, 2015

March Project: Mixed Media Patterns

Project description:
  • Printing process practiced and explored using cardboard and a specific process.
  • Tempera cakes were used to add simple patterns
  • Oil Pastels completed our work using additional patterns.

  • Printing
  • Printer's Ink
  • Patterns
  • Abstract Art

  • Book - PATTERN FISH by Trudy Harris
Art Materials:
  • Printers Ink
  • Cardboard
  • Oil Pastels
  • Tempera Paint
Examples of Student work:

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

February Project: Intro To Printing - Thinking with a Line

Project description:
  • Lines provide the groundwork for all art.  Students warmed up by printing basic types of lines.  Next, they were asked to experiment with connecting lines to make shapes within a given space.  Students followed specific directions to complete their prints.  Tempera cakes and oil pastel patterns were added in each shape.
  • Book - I SPY SHAPES IN ART by Lucy Micklethwait
Art Materials:
  • Printers Ink
  • Oil Pastels
  • Tempera Paint
Examples of Student work: